Dive Spots
The ship is quite spacious, even in the cabins you don't step on each other's feet; the food is basically good, a little more variety would have been nice; fresh fruit is always available, which I appreciated.
The guides on the boat were sometimes a bit unclear and too "casual", for example, I was supposed to have the guide as a buddy, but he went out into the blue at 50m and had no eye for me (so I joined a buddy team in the group at 40m)
After we had done 2 dives on a more southerly reef on day 3, we went back to the more northerly reefs and the same sites because of poor visibility and strong currents (true, but it wasn't much better before), so I did the same dive 5 times on one reef and 4 times on another... it was a bit boring.
I think the most important thing for you to know is that the dive sites and the diving really only make sense for advanced divers. The hammerhead sharks that everyone wants to see are rarely higher than 50m; deco dives are the order of the day and several times a day. We went down 2-3 times a day and dived out into the blue to 40m to see the odd shark fin. Afterwards we went back to the reef to decompress in the current over a plateau. Visibility was only about 15-20m (but can be much better according to the guides), so success was moderate.
There was a group of Italian tech divers on the boat who went even deeper, 60-70m, and regularly saw the hammerhead sharks. - But it's not for "normal vacation divers"
In my opinion, the reefs are very intact, but not as diverse as in Egypt, nor is the variety of fish.
In the whole week I only had 2 dives without shark sightings, hammerhead sharks only twice, silky sharks, gray reef sharks and white tip sharks. Very often dolphins next to the boat, and at night silky sharks attracted by the light.
3 days of strong wind and swell, then calm and hot, "bathtub".
I really enjoyed the week, got my money's worth diving, but I don't think I would go a second time, and I wouldn't recommend the tour to everyone.
(Automatically translated from German)