Dive Spots
The Seahorse is a very beautiful diving boat built in the traditional Indonesian "Pinisi" style. The dive deck is at the front, the cabins at the back. We had one of the beautiful upper deck cabins, the 11-day route was Ternate - Sorong.
Unless the ship is traveling a long distance at night, the engine is off and only the generator hums quietly, which is very pleasant. It is also good that you have enough time between diving and the next meal and there is no time stress.
The crew and dive guides are very friendly and helpful, you don't really have to worry about anything. Diving is always done from the dinghies. The guides, who are all very good, change every day, so that after 4 days you have got to know them all.
The change of route was particularly flexible: other liveaboards reported that the visibility in the area of the 2nd part of the route around Misool Island was currently quite unsatisfactory. It was therefore decided quite spontaneously to take the more northerly route towards Kofiau and Piaynemo with the dive sites there, which was certainly a very good decision!
(Automatically translated from German)